March 16, 2023
How Spiritual Directors Love Their Clients
spiritual direction
You’ll often hear spiritual directors talk about how much they love their directees. And it’s true that when we hold…

February 22, 2023
Theodora of Alexandria: 5th century Gender Fluid Desert Mother?
desert fathers and mothers, Spirituality
pen and ink drawing by Trey Everett The legend of Theodora of Alexandria is a 5th…

February 8, 2023
Meeting the Desert Fathers and Mothers: Paula of Rome
The Desert Fathers and Mothers of the 4th century were the original spiritual directors, sought out by pilgrims coming to…

January 30, 2023
Attracting Spiritual Direction Clients
spiritual direction
2023 is going to be a great year for spiritual guidance. More and more people are learning what spiritual direction/companioning/guidance…

May 27, 2022
Divinity in Daily Life: Busy Times as Spiritual Practice
Lifestyle, spiritual direction, Spirituality
To get better at something we consider challenging, we have to practice. You know what’s hard for me in spiritual…

March 3, 2022
Consent in Spirituality – Confronting Abuse by Religious Leaders
spiritual direction, Spirituality
How do we have a relationship with God that is truly consensual? I’ve been thinking a lot about this in…

January 21, 2022
Learning at the Feet of Elders: A Return to Apprenticeships
Learning doesn’t just happen in classrooms. Apprenticing — the ancient practice of learning a trade or philosophy from one-on-one interaction…

December 7, 2021
Unitarian Universalist Spiritual Direction – for the Spiritual but not Religious
spiritual direction, Spirituality
People who are spiritual but not religious seek spiritual directors who can be attentive to them without attempting to put…

September 3, 2021
Biblical Perspectives in Spiritual Direction: What is an Experience of God?
Lifestyle, spiritual direction, Spirituality
In spiritual direction, we explore a person’s experience of God. What we discover is that God loves showing up in…

July 20, 2021
Contemplative Practice in UCC: Becoming Still to Encounter the Still-Speaking God
The denomination I am ordained in, United Church of Christ (UCC), has a catchphrase: “God is still speaking.” That means…

March 15, 2021
Inclining our Ear Toward God: Listening As A Church
Lifestyle, Spirituality
In a world full of solutions, opinions, and advice, listening is one of the most important gifts we can offer…

February 9, 2021
e-Spiritual Direction: How Long, O Lord (Will We Always Be Online)?
Lifestyle, Spirituality
We’re stuck online for now. Are Zoom, Skype, or Doxy the way we’ll do spiritual direction forever? This is the…